It's been nearly a week since I've been in school. The "President's Day Storm of '03" has socked in all the schools, so we've been off since Monday. Monday, mind you, was to be a make up day for a snow day we had about two weeks ago. So, we're now going to be adding on snow days until the 25th of June. As of today. All bets are off tomorrow, when the school district decides whether or not to make us go to school for one day this week.
I'm not begrudging the school district its decision, apparently they haven't been able to plow out a few of the school parking lots. And some of the school buses. And well, frankly, a lot of side streets haven't been plowed yet, so it would be dangerous for small children (or even high school children, only some of whom are small) to try walking on these streets to get to school or just to the bus stop.
But I want to go to a music conference that is scheduled to start on June 22nd!!! And it's looking right now like that's not going to happen. Unless I can, by some miracle, get my instructional supervisor to ok my giving exams early. Right, so I can miss four days of school to go on vacation. I'm betting there will be ham at the Passover table in Rabbi Mendel's house before that happens.
Anyway, what this really boils down to is that other than a few quick jaunts down to the village for lunch, I've been cooped up in my house since Saturday.
Any minute now I think I may go mad. I am expecting the electrician tomorrow, and then I'm bloody well going out. Perhaps I'll go to the supermarket. Or the mall. Or the movies. Or any place that's not here. I love my house, but it's really getting to be a small place.
August joy
11 years ago
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