19 August 2005

17 days and counting...

I had planned on carting every single box from my condo down my stairs and out to my car. But it is pouring, and I can just see myself slipping, falling, breaking several necessary bones (most likely in my wrist and/or ankle), and getting all my precious binders and papers wet. Can't have that, can we? However, I will probably bring down the smallest of the boxes that I can manage in a little while, and I'll go into school later today. However, I have pictures! Take a look at these:

This is my classroom. The first one is the view from the doorway. Please note the window! The one on the right is a view from the front of the room looking toward the back. For more pictures, please go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/jesstchr/35342186/in/set-782089/. Don't view the images as a slide show - if you look to the right hand side of the page, you'll see a smaller image of the picture you're looking, and an opportunity to click next. If you do that, you'll get the captions, and that way you'll know what the devil you're actually looking at.

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