11 November 2005
Timing is everything
Anyway, I was talking about timing your instruction. During my student teaching, on the day I was being observed by my university supervisor (basically, the person giving me the grade for that course), I stuck to my plan's times, which were WAAAAAAY off, and ended up with about 45 extra minutes. So we did the last activity for 45 verrrrry long minutes. Those were some of the longest minutes of my life, I gotta say. Anyway, since then I've always made sure that I have extra stuff planned so that doesn't happen. In fact, more often than not, I have so much planned for each 90 minute block of time that I'm often pushing one activity into the next block. So you can see that timing is still an issue for me.
Today was a strange schedule to begin with. We had a three hour delayed opening - instead of students reporting to school at 7:30, they came at 11am, and we had mini parent conferences. Basically we sat in the gym at tables all around the outer edge of the gym, and parents could come up to us and talk to us for five minutes about their individual student and how they were doing in our class. After that activity, we had 6th period, and now we're in the middle of my 4th period (planning, see above). For the students it was almost like a half day in reverse. In fact, no almost like, that's exactly what it was. I teach AP Psychology to 2nd and 6th period, but there was no 2nd period today, so I didn't want my 6th period to get ahead of 2nd period, so what I did was plan a lesson where students could be in essay workshop groups with their peers and they could work on their essays.
They were done with nearly 40 minutes to spare at the end of the period.
A. Hasn't happened to me in seven years
B. I didn't really have anything else for them to work on, and I didn't want to move into the next unit.
C. I hate being one of those teachers who just show movies to kids when they're too lazy to come up with a plan. It's not good teaching, and that's not who I am as a teacher.
But D. That's what I had to do (only I wasn't lazy, it's not laziness, it's much worse, it's poor planning on my part).
I had an old NOVA program: Brain Transplant that I whipped out of my cabinet and showed the kids for the remainder of the period. I was embarrassed and angry with myself. On the plus side, there was a ton of good information in the video, and I am now considering finding time to show the portion that I just showed to 6th period to my 2nd period, especially before I show them Awakenings (which is an excellent film, by the way), because it explains several concepts that are in that movie quite well. And I suppose in the end it was worthwhile because it talks about L-DOPA, and Parkinson's disease, etc., etc., etc., but it still doesn't change the fact that I was caught with my pants down.
Well, not literally. That would get me fired. But you get the point. And that's the note that I'm leaving with for the weekend. Yay. Talk about feeling like Worse Teacher Ever.
08 November 2005
Check this out!
In over my head
So why is it that I'm "in over my head," I hear you cry? Well, it's this page, actually. For some odd reason, my formatting has gone a little bit kablooey - or at least, it looks that way when I look at the page. My sidebar with all the previous posts and my profile is way down there towards the bottom of the page, and I have no idea why. I'd been hoping to add in a few links to other blogs from this page, plus a nifty NaNoWriMo participant icon to the page as well. I've got the code, I've got the downloaded info, I just can't seem to get it to work properly. I have met my match, and it is html. Or at least it is for today. Anyone out there have any suggestions/hints/ideas? Or just a readable "html for complete and total idiots"?
And while I'm soliciting help, has my Tivo gone completely barking mad, or is it ABC? Two weeks ago, my Tivo didn't record Lost, and my assumption was that it wasn't a new episode (although frankly after last weeks' issue, which I'll get to in a second, I don't believe). I didn't get around to watching the episode that my Tivo had recorded from last week until last night. When I started watching, I realized I'd seen the episode before. So is it my Tivo, or is it ABC?
Couldn't resist
Elmo You scored 66% Organization, 76% abstract, and 54% extroverted! |
This test measured 3 variables. First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean. Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type. Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself. You are mostly organized, more abstract, and both introverted and extroverted. Most people either love or hate Elmo. I hope you love Elmo, because that's who you are. You are both somewhat organized. You have a good idea where you put things and you probably keep your place reasonably clean. You aren't totally obsessed with neatness though. Elmo has the same basic approach. His place is pretty tidy, but he doesn't spend all of his time cleaning it up. The other possible characters are If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also if you want to tell me your favorite Sesame Street character, I can total them up and post them here. Perhaps your choice will win! |
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