08 November 2005

In over my head

No no no, don't panic, this is not a teaching post. I'm not in over my head at school - I'm actually ahead!!! My grades are DONE DONE DONE and they aren't due until tomorrow morning, 8am. In fact, I've been pretty much done since last week. LAST WEEK! Whatever it is that I did, I must remember to lather, rinse and most importantly...repeat. I'm hoping that in the future I will be so organized. Except in all seriousness folks I have no idea what on earth I did to be ahead like this. Ok, so the project was due three weeks before the end of the quarter, and I managed to get it graded relatively quickly. The essays that I held onto for a wee bit too long I finished last Wednesday night (staying up way past my bedtime to do it, but I had promised I'd have them back to the students by Thursday). The unit test is tomorrow, so I can't possibly fit it onto this quarter. Heck, even the World history journals are graded (it helps that I'm teaching with another teacher - together we knocked out 85 journals in a couple of hours).

So why is it that I'm "in over my head," I hear you cry? Well, it's this page, actually. For some odd reason, my formatting has gone a little bit kablooey - or at least, it looks that way when I look at the page. My sidebar with all the previous posts and my profile is way down there towards the bottom of the page, and I have no idea why. I'd been hoping to add in a few links to other blogs from this page, plus a nifty NaNoWriMo participant icon to the page as well. I've got the code, I've got the downloaded info, I just can't seem to get it to work properly. I have met my match, and it is html. Or at least it is for today. Anyone out there have any suggestions/hints/ideas? Or just a readable "html for complete and total idiots"?

And while I'm soliciting help, has my Tivo gone completely barking mad, or is it ABC? Two weeks ago, my Tivo didn't record Lost, and my assumption was that it wasn't a new episode (although frankly after last weeks' issue, which I'll get to in a second, I don't believe). I didn't get around to watching the episode that my Tivo had recorded from last week until last night. When I started watching, I realized I'd seen the episode before. So is it my Tivo, or is it ABC?

1 comment:

Jessica Hodgson said...

And I've fixed the problem. Apparently, the template didn't like the subject of one of my posts. Too long. But I still want to know about adding in the links and the NaNoWriMo tag.