18 January 2006

You mean she STILL hasn't updated it?

Don't you just hate it when you go to your favorite blog (or even the blog you occasionally visit just to see what's up), and you find that it hasn't been updated yet...and it's been months? I know I certainly do. Drives me nuts. Makes me want to e-mail the person and give them the ole e-mail throttle. Or something.

It's called irony. I know, I know, I'm awful about writing here. And it's not for lack of things that I want to write about. Here's a sampling of the things that have popped into my head as of late:

Why my gym needs an F-chip (instead of a V-chip).
Sharing the classroom with another teacher
Sharing students with another teacher (two separate topics, really)
Why putting 2400 children into one building is a bad idea during a full moon on Friday the 13th.

I'm sure there's more. Anyway, I promise to be better from now on. I really do want to write about that stuff, so I'll be along shortly with a post or two.


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